
Name: CABA Hedge KL W

ISIN: DK0061677804


Estimated NAV

Calculated as of: 20-01-2025

NAV: DKK 141,06

Official NAV & AUM

Calculated for each Tuesday and end of month.

Calculated as of: 14-01-2025

NAV: DKK 140,22

Issuing price: DKK 141,62

Redemption price: DKK 138,82

AUM (strategy): DKK 991 million

CABA Hedge

CABA Hedge is open for new investors


If you would like a presentation of CABA Hedge, please contact Client Relations Director,
Torben Frederiksen at / +45 53 77 09 33

Please note that the fund has a minimum 
investment of EUR 100.000.