We believe that investing in sustainable countries with democratic states that respect human rights, social conditions, and the environment can drive
higher returns and lower risks.

Government Bonds

Climate Action

Issuers must have ratified the Paris Agreement.

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Issuers must have a high ranking (low score) in Fragile States Index. Countries subject to international sanctions are excluded.

Mortgage Bonds

Sustainable Cities and Communities

Mortgage bonds contribute to low-cost financing of housing/properties, increase access to suitable housing, and support the transition towards sustainable cities and communities.

Climate Action

Issuers must have high ESG-scores from relevant parties including Sustainalytics. CABA Capital’s assessment of issuers are published in our yearly ESG Report. 

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Issuers must comply with national and international law and conventions. Issuers subject to international sanctions are excluded.

Gender Equality

Issuers must comply with national and international law and conventions.

Decent work and economic growth

Issuers must comply with national and international law and conventions.

PRI Sig Black

At CABA Capital, we recognize the financial sector’s unique responsibility to support the green transition through its investments and financing activities.

The UN Principles for Responsible Investment is globally recognized as the primary advocate for responsible investment. CABA Capital is proud to affirm our commitment to these principles.