Fondsmæglerselskabet CABA Capital A/S is an independent and focused asset manager specializing in fixed income-based strategies. The company was founded in 2016 by Carsten Bach (CIO), Mette Østerbye Vejen (CEO) and Niels-Ulrik Mousten (Chairman of the Board) with the aim of offering alternative investment funds (AIF) with attractive risk-adjusted returns. The investment approach is to utilize risk premiums in primarily Scandinavian mortgage bonds. The Company’s philosophy is that investments in sustainable countries with democratic states that respect human rights and the climate are catalysts for a higher return and a lower risk.
The company employs six highly specialized employees at the office in the heart of Copenhagen and is supported by a professionally strong board that takes an active part in the company’s development.
Mette Østerbye Vejen (Chief Executive Officer), Carsten Bach (Chief Investment Officer), Jørgen Ole Jørgensen (Senior Hedge Fund Manager), Christian Lindstrøm Andersen (Senior Operating Officer), Kristian Myrup Pedersen (Fixed Income Quant) and Torben Frederiksen (Client Relations Director).
Board of Directors
The board consists of 1 Chairman, 1 Vice-Chairman and 3 Board members.
Chairman of the Board Niels-Ulrik Mousten was previously CEO of Danske Capital, Danske Bank’s asset management unit. Vice-Chairman Louise Studstrup Muurholm is a lawyer and owner of Asset Law. Board member Bent Riis is a lawyer and partner in Therkildsen Advokater. Board member Charlotte Esmaralda Kamp is an expert in project management and has a background from investment banking. Board member Jan Willers is advisor for House of Reach and has a background from management consulting.
CABA Hedge
CABA Hedge KL is a sub-fund of Kapitalforeningen Investin. CABA Hedge KL have two share classes (A and W). FundRock is AIFM (administration company) for CABA Hedge KL.
CABA Flex is a sub-fund of Kapitalforeningen Wealth Invest. Wealth Fund Partners A/S is AIFM (administration company) for CABA Flex.
CABA Flex 2
CABA Flex 2 is a sub-fund of ISEC SICAV-RAIF. iSEC Services is AIFM (administration company) for CABA Flex 2.
Brokers / Counterparts
Danske Bank Nordea Swedbank Societe Generale Nykredit Bank SEB Sydbank Jyske Bank Fondsmæglerselskabet Marselis DNB Bank
CABA Capital is owned by the three founders (Carsten Bach (CIO), Mette Østerbye Vejen (CEO) and Niels-Ulrik Mousten (Chairman).
CEO is responsible for compliance and collaborates with Lund Elmer Sandager.